Sunday, January 20, 2008

Frigid Days, Fine Selvedges

Dear Alice,
I have had several people ask about a close-up photo of the fabric for the jacket. You remember that I had gotten that beautiful eggshell reeled silk from you, that then I plied two together on the spinning wheel. Ohhhhh, a long time involved in that. Sometimes when I think of the time put into weaving that fabric I wonder how I EVER could sell that jacket! So here is the close up of the remaining largest piece. It had such a fine selvedge! That is the cord that I made from four threads of the silk and two of the cash/wool plied together.

This week I decided that I had better get a photo of my orchid that has been blooming since before Christmas before she loses all of her blossoms. A little fuzzy, but you can see how much joy she has given us. It has been so beautiful!

Flowers always lift the spirit, especially on these brisk days! It is only 9°F right now.

Hope this finds you well!


Liana said...

Beautiful! I don't see how you could ever let it go, either. Lovely work.

Nancy JC said...

Liana, how did you find this so quickly? Thanks for stopping by!