Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A VERY Good Day

Dear Alice,

Imagine that everything goes just as you had hoped in a day.... Today was one of those days! Today I was endorsed by the local newspaper for the office I am seeking with the very capable, remarkable Team for Scio.
Photo by Dr. Irwin Martin
Four of our Team members were also endorsed by the Home Builders Association. Today was the first day of the Art Fair...I worked the Fiberarts Guild's booth from 3-9:30, and today was the first day that I sold one of my favorite pieces, the shawl that I wrote about in my June 10th postcard.

Less than three weeks to go until the August 5th Primary, the day that will tell the tale! Miles of walking door-to-door, and I am really enjoying meeting and talking with our neighbors and the residents of Scio, for whom I have been working (on the Planning Commission and Board of Review) for years.

I am really too tired at this hour, and can hardly remember what I was saying/doing, so will end this note here and plan to write again soon.


1 comment:

JuJu said...

Congratulations on Team Scio Nancy! WOW! Love you, Ju